The Quarzwerke division HPF The Mineral Engineers creates unique system solutions by developing innovative and functional High Performance Fillers and additives based on mineral and synthetic materials. Our High Performance Fillers have already proved their worth for decades, as they can give astounding functional and / or optical properties to polymer systems. However, the requirements for modern paints, coatings, adhesives and plastics increase constantly. Thanks to our many years of experience in the processing and refining of mineral raw materials, we are able to offer tailor-made filler solutions for polymer-bound systems.
Our High Performance Fillers are available in different grain sizes. Our product range also includes particle size-optimized filler packages for higher filling levels as well as filler mixtures. Many of our functional fillers are surface-modified. These are easier to incorporate into a polymer than uncoated products. An optimum bonding between polymer and High Performance Filler is achieved by a coating agent specially adapted to the polymer system. This leads to a significantly better homogenization and thus to even better mechanical and thermal properties.
Our UK distributor Lawrence Industries has published a great article on the benefits of surface treated fillers on their blog, which we would like to share with you: https://www.l-i.co.uk/blog/blog-archive/benefits-surface-treated-fillers