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Quartz—our best product!

KaolinFeldsparHigh Performance Fillers

Our first-class quartz resources have ensured the success of the Quarzwerke Group for more than 130 years and have always been convincing, even for the most sophisticated of applications. Silicon dioxide is actually a widespread raw material and is one of the most important rock-forming minerals. It can be found in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and deposits, occurring primarily in the form of so-called trigonal quartz. Quartz is hard, chemically inert and on account of the strong bonding between the atoms has a high melting point. Precisely these properties are highly valued in many industrial applications. Your advantage: the quartz deposits of the Quarzwerke Group are characterized by a specially high degree of purity—a factor that for a long time now has made us proud. You can also benefit from our high-grade raw materials. Convince yourself of the premium quality of our classic product. It will be well worth it!

Our high-grade deposits

The deposits of our quartz raw materials were formed in almost all periods of the Earth's history. The most important European resources were created on the basis of sedimentary rock formation in the Tertiary and Cretaceous periods. Quarzwerke extracts the high-quality industrial minerals for the processing industry from these high-grade silica sand resources with reserves for several generations. Our quartz can be supplied as wet sand, dry sand or in milled condition as quartz powder.

We'll be glad to advise you on all possible applications and answer your questions about our high-grade quartz products. A phone call is sufficient!