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Filter sands of the highest quality

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Filter sands from the Quarzwerke Group are free from impurities, in particular from matter of organic origin. They prevent the release of silicic acid and heavy metals to the filtrate and have a high degree of resistance to acids and lyes. In addition our filter sands are suitable for the production of drinking water. The low feldspar content (less than 3%) guarantees significantly faster backflushing times and this reduces the costs in the utilization phase. The high resistance to abrasion and the hardness of the crystal-quartz grain also extends the service life of the filters. The rounded-edge grain shape guarantees optimal flow times through the filtrate, which is of great importance especially during peak load times. The wide fraction and granularity assortment with its consistent grain size range offers the possibility of customizing closed lines optimally for different filter systems.

Areas of application for filter sands:

  • Drinking water treatment
  • Food industry
  • Seawater desalination plants
  • Beverage industry
  • Process water treatment
  • Service water treatment (in particular for swimming pools)
  • Industrial water treatment
  • Waste water purification

A multitude of international projects have already been successfully implemented thanks to the high-grade raw material quality of our top products. You can also benefit from the experience and know-how of the Quarzwerke Group. Speak to us about your requirement of filter sands—it will be well worth it!