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Kaolin has been mined for more than 100 years in Gluhivzi, 200 km to the west of the Ukrainian capital Kiev. The Amberger Kaolinwerke have been active in the form of the AKW Ukrainian Kaolin Company since 2007 and have developed the plant into an important European kaolin site. An extensive modernization investment in the existing plant facilities has been made for this purpose. The reason for the extensive investment: just a few kilometres away, one of the largest European deposits of high-quality raw kaolins—which will secure the supply of raw materials for the Ukrainian plant for many generations to come—lies dormant in the town of Veliko Gadominez. The deposit has meanwhile been opened up and the mining area expanded over a large area.

Please contact

Head Office

Quarzwerke GmbH
+49 (0) 2234/101–0

Please contact

HPF The Mineral Engineers
+49 (0) 2234 / 101-412

Please contact


Amberger Kaolinwerke Eduard Kick GmbH Co. KG

+49 (0) 9622 / 18-0